Friday, December 23, 2011

Have Yourself a Merry Little Christmas


I love Christmastime. I wish that I could fully express the feelings associated with the holidays, but I simply cannot. The joy of togetherness, decorating the tree, reliving traditions, it really cannot be equaled. And honestly, I actually had fun shopping this year (although the traffic tonight made me a bit cynical). Now never having believed in Santa, I can imagine that when most children learn the truth about him, a bit of the Christmas magic is lost for them; the truth hits home and a little bit of their faith is imperceptibly squashed. The childhood wonder is stripped away revealing the "true" meaning of Christmas: Commercialism. (I'm not saying this is what everyone who believed in Santa thinks.) I guess growing up in a family that doesn't uphold the Santa tradition helps me love Christmas even more. Although we do go a bit overboard on the presents sometimes (and I'm not complaining), that's not what my family loves about Christmas, we simply love being together.

Togetherness takes love to another level, it points out that love isn't simply expressed, it is put into action. In our case, we put up the tree (it's fake :( when I have a family, we'll have a real one), decorate it, take earring pictures (we still have to do that this year),  drink festive drinks, and listen to Christmas carols. The fact that we have such a great time together indicates how much we really love each other. I think this love is simply a typification of Christ's love for us. Jesus coming to earth as a baby shows His love of togetherness. In Matthew 1:23 it reads: "'Behold, the virgin shall be with child, and bear a Son, and they shall call His name Immanuel,' Which is translated, 'God with us'" The name that God gave His Son shows how much He loves being with us. He risked the fate of the universe to come down to earth, spend some time with humanity, and ultimately sacrifice Himself for Me. 

Why do I enjoy Christmastime so much? Because I can be together with those I love, and the One who loved me first. 

Merry Christmas.

Monday, December 12, 2011

Green Tea

This is a quotation from the book A Shepherd Looks at Psalm 23 by Phillip Keller. I got this book from my dad and have been reading it sporadically over the past months. Last night, right before I went to sleep, I picked it up and opened it randomly to the following passage. It couldn't have come at a better time for me.

"Paul in writing to the Christians at Corinth warned them of this danger. "So, if you think you are standing firm, be careful that you don't fall!" (1 Corinthians 10:12)
Admittedly this may appear as one of the paradoxes and enigmas of our spiritual lives. When we examine it carefully, however, we will not find it too difficult to understand.
As with sheep, so with Christians, some basic principles and parallels apply which will help us to grasp the way in which a man or woman can be cast.
There is, first of all, the idea of looking for a soft spot. The sheep that choose the comfortable, soft, rounded hollows in the ground in which to lie down very often become  cast. In such a situation it is so easy to roll over on their backs.
 In the Christian life there is great danger in always looking for the easy place, the cozy hardship, no need for endurance, no demand upon self-discipline.
The time when we think "we have it made," so to speak, is actually when we are in mortal danger. There is such a thing as the discipline of poverty and privation which can be self-imposed to do us worlds of good. Jesus suggested this to the rich young man who mistakenly assumed he was in a safe position when in truth he was on the verge of being cast down. 
Sometimes if, through self-indulgence, I am unwilling to forfeit or forego the soft life, the easy way, the cozy corner, then the Good Shepherd may well move me to a pasture where things aren't quite so comfortable -- not only for my own good but also His benefit as well." (A Shepherd Looks at Psalm 23 page 76 & 77)

Never, never, never, NEVER let your guard down.

I have no idea what it means for a sheep to be "cast", but I am assuming it is a bad thing!

Sunday, December 11, 2011

A Visit

Should I be posting right now? Probably not! Why? because I have a Comp 101 final in like 4 hours and although I think it'll be pretty straight forward, I'm still nervous. Maybe because this is my very first final exam in college, or maybe because it includes writing an essay and I have to write perfectly within the time frame. This said, I should be studying right? Well I would, but my good friend procrastination stopped by for a visit and I simply cannot run him off without spending a little time with him. So here I am, posting and listening to the Noisetrade fall sampler!
Question of the Week: When procrastination stops by to hang out with you, how do you run him off?

Saturday, December 3, 2011


Christmas is coming you guys, and I'm super pumped!! I put up some music to celebrate           -------------
                                                                                                                                          Down Here  |
                                                                                                                                                  In the sidebar!

Friday, December 2, 2011

Death by Mud!!!

Holy Crap! What have I gotten myself into?

February, here I come!

Monday, November 28, 2011


Bro, these pictures are a monumental monument to the awesome skype call that just transpired.

Zack, I hope that in your times of trial, you will visit my blog and view these very fantastic photographs for the encouragement of your downtrodden heart.

Sunday, November 6, 2011

The Veekends!

This weekend has been magnifique!
Friday was very boss, for we carved pumpkins into the night! Haha, but seriously though, carving pumpkins is a tradition that I've missed for three years because of Fountainview. Here are some pictures

Beginning the surgery!

Mine, Dads, and Alex's 

Then, after going to church at Summerville, we came drove back up to Collegedale (the colors are amazing) and I chilled with Logan until 4. At four thirty we left for a Matthew Perryman Jones and Molly Parden concert in Atlanta! Here are some more pics

Molly Parden opened

"Travellin' Souls" 
Her music has a really dreamy quality to it.

"Save You"

I really enjoyed both artist's music and was pleasantly surprised by Molly Parden. She has a really great voice and it blended really well with Matthew Perryman Jones'. It was her first time playing to a sold out crowd though, and you could tell she was really nervous. I bought her CD after the concert and I'm kicking myself because I didn't ask her to sign it. Matthew Perryman Jones was amazing as well! He seemed like a really chill, down-to-earth guy, and his music was amazing. Very mucho awesome

Tuesday, October 25, 2011

A Cry in the Dark

     The world has been suffered an injustice! The sacred truce of the dibs has been broken. Call the guard! Bring out the sacrificial candles! Someone must pay... To those lovers of the arts, the true citizens who believe in freedom, it is now time to rise up. Rally round your honor, there is still time. This call to arms, this cry in the dark will not go unheeded! Give yourselves to this worthy cause; and believe that although many may falter, a sacred few will remain.

Saturday, October 22, 2011

Running in Circles

"As soon as you abandon reasoning and argument, God witnesses to what He has done, and we are amazed at our impertinence in having kept Him waiting. If you are in debate as to whether God can deliver from sin, either let Him do it, or tell Him He cannot. Do not quote this and that person, try Matthew 11:28-"Come unto Me." Come if you are weary and heavy laden; ask, if you know you are evil (Luke 11:13)
~My Utmost for His Highest, October 22~

         Normally, when I ask God for something, I forget about my request as soon as I get off my knees. My focus is instantly switched to some other distraction, and spiritual promises and desires are forgotten. If my focus is not on spirituality, then the prayers that are answered in my life go unnoticed, I write them off as life's good luck or my own intuition, not as providence. "But the natural man receiveth not the things of the Spirit of God: for they are foolishness unto him: neither can he know them, because they are spiritually discerned." (1 Cor 2:14) Spiritual things are spiritually discerned.

Monday, October 17, 2011

Le Double Vee!

You know what Moses, I am quite PEEVED right now!
Haha, here is a little inspiration for ya buddy.

And here is a song that just recently inspired me.

Oh and by the way, if you think of any other song, just comment and I'll add it.
(and just a little shout out regarding my last post, I'll post those stories this weekend)

Friday, October 7, 2011


So recently I have been rethinking my future as a writer. I really enjoy writing, but is it what I want to direct my entire life focus on? The main reason though, is that I'm truly doubting my ability, my recent Comp scores can vouch for that. Ability, or even simple adequacy, comes from practice and even though natural talent may help some, it is no substitute. So without further ado, I present a challenge: If you dare, comment below and give me a topic to write on!  I'll write it up and post it (as quickly as possible, I'm kinda busy). Be as creative as possible.


Friday, September 23, 2011


Recently, while exploring the dark attic of my mind, I stumbled upon an idea. What kind of idea? One filled with mystery and intrigue, one that will rock the very core of my being; one that involves multiple personalities and a stranger sort of perspective on the way life is conducted. But enough beating around the bush, eh? What is this marvelous idea? Well that, my friends, is a secret known only by me! But if you can figure out a few clues, you may come around to my way of thinking. It involves light and dark, inward and outward, open and closed, and finally a lot of role playing! If you can figure out this riddle my young friends, you will recognize the change!

BTW I just got called a liar by a cop!

Monday, September 19, 2011


So I've started college! I could say it has been pretty good so far; but honestly, if I just rambled on about college being amazing, I wouldn't be telling the whole truth. College is fun... but to a point. You know how high school was right? Well for me, the first three years were all exciting and I didn't want them to end, but then Senior year came along and I was ready to be out of there! Unfortunately, it seems college has gone through this pattern in fast forward! Smartstart comes along and I'm pumped! It flies by and I'm all excited and ready for the real thing... and then regular classes start and I'm ready to be out of there! I'm not trying to be negative, but I just wish I could see how it's all gonna end. I'm really not sure how I truly feel, my emotions seemed to have clocked out as of late.

*Illustration "Hunting Ducks" by David Fleck

Tuesday, September 13, 2011

A Declaration

*tap tap tap* Ahem!

Thank you all for coming out tonight! I asked you all to come here so that I could make a very important announcement: I am returning to blogging!!!

(Cheers and pandemonium swiftly ensues)

Thursday, June 9, 2011

In which Gruffle the Dwarf becomes Down for the Count

Once upon a time, there was a small dwarf named Gruffle-Bottum. Now Gruffle-Bottum was a very voracious eater. He believed that eating was the only thing worth living for. He figured that since he had such amazing taste buds, he should be able to eat anything that he wanted. Now one day, as Gruffle-Bottum was walking through the forest, he came across a large mushroom. 

"My" he thought, "what a beautiful looking mushroom.""I do believe that I will eat it!" But before he had the chance, a young rabbit came a-hopping out of a nearby bramble bush. 

"STOP!!!" he cried in a voice loud enough to warn the whole forest, "don't even thing about touching that mushroom!" 

"And why not?" retorted our friend Gruffle, "I do believe it looks like a wondrous mushroom!" 

"But you simply do not understand," replied the bunny, "that fungus has the strength to make you go blind, sprout wings, and give you arthritis too!" 

Now this was something that Gruffle hadn't bargained for. 

"This is certainly a conundrum," he grumbled, "that mushy-room could feed me for days, and if I'm not mistaken, I overheard peregrine saying that all fungus is good for rheumatism."

 So with this thought, he took out his flint-tipped axe and (much to the chagrin of the young rabbit) chopped it down. Before long, Gruffle had carted all the mushy-goodness (or not so goodness) home, and proceeded to chop it into a stew. 

"Gracious me oh my" he thought, "that certainly smells good." 

With these types of greedy sentences parading around his mind, he sat down to take a nap. Unfortunately, he never woke up. The fumes from the mushroom were so strong, it caused him to sleep forever; dreaming of marshmallow-cream tea.


~The moral of this story is... always take the advice of a rabbit. (and don't eat strange mushrooms!)~

This is a bedtime story that I wrote (with help from Robby Kyle) for Jonny Larson (My Dean). It was originally authored on green painters tape on the outside of Jonny's door and reoccurs here as it was written (aside from some minor punctuation changes) at around ten o-clock last night.

The Sea

For some reason, this really resonated with me.

"The call of God can never be state explicitly; it is implicit. The call of God is like the call of the sea, no one hears it but the one who has the nature of the sea in him."
~ Oswald Chambers ~

Wednesday, April 20, 2011


So these are some of my pictures from Hawaii! I have to confess that I didn't take as many as I should, I think I've realized that I'd rather be in the moment than have to see it through a camera lens. But nonetheless, here they are.

 Shallow Shorebreak!
 Zack with some epic shades
 Not sure....

 The above three are of the Waimea Canyon
 Gucci and Robs steeplechase
 This is an epic trench that me and Zack traversed with our mad skills
Gucci hanging over the front of our tour boat
Whale's tail!
"Spinner" Dolphins

Thursday, April 14, 2011

The Drools

So I had a pretty creepy experience on the way back from Hawaii. It all started out in the van on the way to the Lihue Airport on Kauai. Since you can't bring water through security, I decided that I would drink all the water in my water bottle before I got there, so I did and then put my bottle back in my backpack. We arrived at the airport and checked in, then went through the security line. Since the deans gave us ten bucks for lunch, I decided I would get some fries at a deli beside the main lobby so I left my backpack and trombone with some Fountainview peeps and went to get some. When I got back, my stuff was sitting by itself on the seats and everyone had left for the airplane, I grabbed my stuff and ran to board as well. Since I was so rushed to get on the plane, I forgot to fill up my water bottle again. The flight was pretty uneventful besides me drooling on my tray table while I was taking a nap. When we landed in San Francisco, I went to fill my bottle up at the drinking fountain. I started to fill it up, but instead of filling it up all the way, I had an impression that I should pour out what I had just put in. It was a little weird, and I just about dismissed it, but I decided that I had the time and dumped it back into the drinking fountain. As I dumped it out, a small, partially dissolved, white pill poured out with the water. Now I had never seen that little pill in my entire life and I certainly didn't put it into my water bottle. Thank God for the Holy Spirit! Needless to say, I am EXTREMELY happy I didn't drink it, I mean, it could be like strychnine or date rape or something! And if I had filled my bottle before I got on the plane, I would have had a good four to five hours before I could have received medical attention. How it got there? I'm guessing somebody stuck it in when my pack was sitting in the main lobby of the Lihue airport, but it could have been somebody else... Like somebody I don't expect... Maybe even one of my "friends". So the next question is... Who would want to kill me?

Friday, March 25, 2011

Hawaii Yo!

So finally I have enough time and internet to post! I'm at a mall sitting outside a Starbucks stealing their internet. I was actually expecting Hawaii to be extremely overrated, but so far it has been much more than I expected. We're on the island of Kauai (known as the Garden Island) staying at the Kahili Adventist School. Kauai isn't as popular as the surrounding island's so it is less touristed which is really nice, I've been able to go on a hike inland to an idyllic waterfall and go boogie boarding. The waves are amazing for boogie boarding and stuff, it's awesome! I want to be able to take away from Hawaii something more than just a good time though (besides a ukulele), we'll see what goes down. I'll try and post some pictures later. (Don't count on it though)

Tuesday, March 1, 2011


As I sit here on my bed, thinking of things that I can’t control, I listen to the wind whistle around the corner of the building. I guess I can relate to that wind; I sweep myself through life, sometimes moving quietly and sometimes trying to make as much noise as possible. Maybe it’s for attention, I don’t know, but it always seems to have some hidden meaning behind it. Why am I quiet? Well ‘cause then I have the reputation of being the chill one, someone that others can comfortably be their self around. Then why do I make noise? Because even the chill one needs to make someone laugh once in a while. But just like the breeze, I only touch the surface. I rush by, making a scene only long enough for people to take notice, but not long enough to make an impact. I want to be like a hurricane, or maybe like the wind that blows when it’s cold and wet outside (the kind that goes right through you). But how do I live such a life? Someday I’ll find out.

Thursday, February 24, 2011

Something I Have to Come to Grips With...

This thing all things devours:
Birds, beasts, trees, flowers;
Gnaws iron, bites steel;
Grinds hard stones to meal;
Slays kings, ruins towns,
And beats high mountains down.

~The Hobbit~

Monday, February 21, 2011


So my butt-bone is sore, my thighs and calves burn, my wrists ache, and my neck hurts! But oh was it worth it! Whistler was amazing, even despite my not so amazing snowboard skills. The mountain doesn't even compare to what I've ridden on the east Coast (obviously), I just wish I was able to go for longer. I'd say my snowboarding skills are improving some, we stuck in a group for most of the time so it was kind of hard to go at my own skill level, I even got to snow-plow down a few black runs. I took a few small jumps and landed a couple, so that was pretty tight, but the other peeps in the group were way better than me. Anyways, I'd say it probably was on of the most awesome Sundays I've ever had while being at Fountainview.

Friday, February 18, 2011


Circumstances seem to eat me up sometimes. I feel that if I'm not in complete control of my circumstances, than I am being used by them. As if circumstance had some will of its own, some hidden ulterior motive, and it needs to exploit me to fulfill it. Now the trick to not being exploited is figuring out what that motive is, but this is normally quite difficult. And finally, when you get to the end of this circumstance, you find out that you have, unknowingly, helped the motive along the whole time. I guess that's why I'm gonna just have to trust that God's will is that motive. He says that "...all things work together for good to them that love God..." (Romans 8:28) and I'm gonna have to hold on to that.
Secrets are also incredibly annoying at times, but only when you don't know what's going on...

Thursday, February 10, 2011

Love Goes On

Fortunes fail and disappear,
Like castles in the sand.
Power spoils and causes fear,
But yields to stronger hands.
Fame lasts for a moment,
Then, in a moment, it is gone. 
Oh, but love, love goes on.

Fried Chicken

Don't you hate being in a situation where you have said or done something that you really wish you hadn't. Despite "good intentions", it's impossible to change what is already there and you are forced to watch helplessly and hope that things don't snowball out of control. On top of feeling totally helpless, you also get the wonderful, reassuring feeling that the effects of this action are all your fault. Your only hope is to throw out as many excuses as you can to try and redeem your motives, but this method is about as effective as trying to stop an avalanche with a shovel. And sometimes even what you expect to happen changes from what you feel will happen. Expectations can certainly be very different from reality, and when these expectations aren't fulfilled and something totally different happens, then you have the element of surprise come flying at your face. Anyways... just some random thoughts.

Sunday, February 6, 2011


This weekend I've become aware of my total dependence on digital media and entertainment. On Friday, as I was in my room making sure I had everything for our two day tour, I realized that I had left my iPod down in my locker at the school building. When I went to pick it up I saw that, to my horror, it had absolutely no battery life. What was I to do? I faced a crazy long bus ride with absolutely no music! Thinking fast, I dashed off to the studio to "borrow" a splitter so I could share Logan's iPod. Feeling quite proud of myself, I headed for the bus. But when I boarded, I realized that because some guys had stayed behind, every one could have two seats to themselves. Now normally I would be happy about this because it's nice to have more room to stretch out in, but this time it was different. Since nobody was sitting beside me, I was completely iPodless. With nothing else to do, I stretched out on my seat and tried to get some sleep. This was a task in itself because I didn't have any earbuds to block out the general bus chatter, but eventually I managed to catch a few winks. After waking up, my mind wandered aimlessly from subject to subject (you can think of some pretty crazy stuff on a bus ride) until my dean (Jordan) turned around from the seat in front of me and started up a conversation. We talked about stuff (*cough cough*) for the rest of the trip. 
It was then that I realized how much I really didn't need my iPod. Although it is nice to have some music once in a while, I was forgetting about more important things like quality conversation. For the rest of the  tour I was able to read, think, and actually build my mind instead of having different music artist's propaganda loaded messages shoveled into my brain. And by the way, do you know how hard it is to actually think about something without your mind wandering to a different subject? It's ubber hard! I could probably start thinking about something deep like salvation and two minutes later be thinking about Goldfish crackers... It's pretty sad. But it's something I gotta pray about and work on! I learned some crazy stuff from Help In Daily Living, check it out. "The trials of one are not the trials of another, the duties that one finds light are to another most difficult and perplexing" (pg. 23). Sometimes it's hard for me to understand why I struggle with things that don't even effect others, but each one of us has our own battle to fight and that's why I can't depend on others and must depend wholly on Christ. Here's another one "Those who decline the struggle lose the strength and joy of victory" (pg. 28). Wow, 'nuff said. Anyways it has been a revelatory weekend.

Friday, February 4, 2011

The Least of These

And the King shall answer and say unto them, Verily I say unto you, Inasmuch as ye have done it unto one of the least of these my brethren, ye have done it unto me. (Matthew 25:40)

We can only love Christ as much as we love the person we like the least.

Sunday, January 30, 2011

Selfless Service

“If you have any encouragement from being united with Christ, if any comfort from His love, if any fellowship with the Spirit, if any tenderness and compassion, then make my joy complete by being like-minded, having the same love, being one in spirit and purpose. Do nothing out of selfish ambition or vain conceit, but in humility, consider others better than yourself. Each of you should not only look to your own interests, but also to the interests of others.”
Philippians 2:1-4

Lately God has been teaching me the importance of a life of unselfish service. Christ said that the whole law could be summed up by two commandments: “Love the Lord your God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your mind.” And “Love your neighbor as yourself” All of Christianity is bound up under these two principles. God must be first in our lives, and then we should be looking as to how we can help others. In Philippians God tells us that if we are to have any encouragement from being united with Christ, or any fellowship with His Spirit (basically having an alive relationship with God) then we must have the same purpose. This purpose is considering others better than we consider ourselves. If we truly desire a relationship with God, our lives must be in line with His chief joy, helping others.
            With this being said, I think that the most important thing we have to watch for is our motives. Christ said that when we give to the poor we shouldn’t even let our right hand know what our left hand is doing. If we are helping others just because we desire selfish recognition, the only blessing we will receive will be praise from those around us.

But when you do a charitable deed, do not let your left hand know what your right hand is doing, that your charitable deed may be in secret; and your Father who sees in secret will Himself reward you openly”
Matthew 6:3-4


Monday, January 24, 2011


Why do we have an imagination? Is it just a reaction to life's hardships? And if so, is it healthy to escape from something that should be faced head on? Or is there a balance?... I believe that every human has a desire in them for something more, something different, something heavenly. Could this be a counterfeit? Somehow, we all have imagination available (unless stifled by virtual reality), it seems to be built in to the core of our being like a conscience. But what is its purpose? I'm not sure really...
So this is the longboard I've finally decided on (I think), it has been a long and arduous task figuring out though!
It's the Drop Hammer from Landyachtz Longboards, 36 inches long, and will probably be my most used set of wheels in college!

Sunday, January 23, 2011

Hello World

This blog is about me (Wesley Mayes), my life, opinions, interests, insights, and whatever else I decide to post!