Sometimes I see life in this way. I have a preconceived notion about one thing or other, and I'm comfortable with my frame of mind; but then, when I'm finally pulling together the loose ends, some wise-guy philosopher has to come along and rattle my cage. Actually this sort of experience happened to me last summer. It all started over a frying-pan full of omelette. My and one of my best buddies were chilling in the kitchen and making breakfast when the subject of life origins came up. My bro isn't exactly a Christian so this is an area we don't exactly agree on. Now I was pretty psyched about this conversation because the semester before I had taken Defending Your Faith class from Mr. Lemon and I felt like I at least could throw down a few good points. Well was I ever mistaken! Unfortunately for me (and the rest of my class), most of the points in Defending Your Faith were from the angle that Atheists don't know what their talking about. Well just for the record, some actually do. (Hey FV people, you should talk to Mr. Lemon about this. Ask him for some arguments from both sides. I'm not saying the class is bad or anything, I just think some more relevant points could have been brought up.) Now this shook my faith a bit and honestly, I guess it probably should have. It seemed to me that by believing in what I did, I was essentially saying "It's complicating my life", I don't wanna think about it. Because I don't have an explanation for what I believe, let's just call it "faith" and chuck it into the supernatural realm. Now don't get me wrong, I'm not trying to belittle faith, but I do think this mistake can and is made a lot... simply because I know I do it. In Isaiah 1:18 it says "Come now, let us reason together saith the Lord". God gave us a brain for a reason, and although I may not have all the answers now, neither does science, and I'm not about to give up looking for the answers simply because I don't want to make myself a little uncomfortable.