Once upon a time, there was a small dwarf named Gruffle-Bottum. Now Gruffle-Bottum was a very voracious eater. He believed that eating was the only thing worth living for. He figured that since he had such amazing taste buds, he should be able to eat anything that he wanted. Now one day, as Gruffle-Bottum was walking through the forest, he came across a large mushroom.
"My" he thought, "what a beautiful looking mushroom.""I do believe that I will eat it!" But before he had the chance, a young rabbit came a-hopping out of a nearby bramble bush.
"STOP!!!" he cried in a voice loud enough to warn the whole forest, "don't even thing about touching that mushroom!"
"And why not?" retorted our friend Gruffle, "I do believe it looks like a wondrous mushroom!"
"But you simply do not understand," replied the bunny, "that fungus has the strength to make you go blind, sprout wings, and give you arthritis too!"
Now this was something that Gruffle hadn't bargained for.
"This is certainly a conundrum," he grumbled, "that mushy-room could feed me for days, and if I'm not mistaken, I overheard peregrine saying that all fungus is good for rheumatism."
So with this thought, he took out his flint-tipped axe and (much to the chagrin of the young rabbit) chopped it down. Before long, Gruffle had carted all the mushy-goodness (or not so goodness) home, and proceeded to chop it into a stew.
"Gracious me oh my" he thought, "that certainly smells good."
With these types of greedy sentences parading around his mind, he sat down to take a nap. Unfortunately, he never woke up. The fumes from the mushroom were so strong, it caused him to sleep forever; dreaming of marshmallow-cream tea.
~The moral of this story is... always take the advice of a rabbit. (and don't eat strange mushrooms!)~
This is a bedtime story that I wrote (with help from Robby Kyle) for Jonny Larson (My Dean). It was originally authored on green painters tape on the outside of Jonny's door and reoccurs here as it was written (aside from some minor punctuation changes) at around ten o-clock last night.